Hebden Family Genealogy
Family Trees and data for Hebden, Hebdon, Hebdin, Hibden, Hepton, Ebden. Ebdon and Webden, Collectively known as The Hebden Clan
1837 to 1913: Civil Registration to The Great War Births, Marriages and Death Records
The population was growing rapidly, especially in urban areas, and In the autumn of 1837, the government introduced a compulsory, standardised system of civil birth, marriage and death registration in England and Wales. In 1841 this was followed by the first national census, These two systems provided the first reliable statistics on population growth and movement. In Scotland, Civil registration began in 1865, and in Ireland, registration of Births and deaths began in 1863, and included Roman Catholic Marriages, which were not included in the original legislation, from 1864. The approximate numbers of Hebden and derived surnames in the 1841 England and Wales census are Hebden (551), Hebdin (27), Hebdon (67), Hepden (13), Hepton (96), Ebden (71), Ebdon (60), and Epton (173). These numbers are subject to modern transcription errors and vagaries of spelling and literacy at the time. The migration of Hebden Clan families from the Yorkshire Dales in the late 1700's (see here) increased substantially, first to the prospering industrial towns and cities in the the North of England and then to areas further afield. The map below, compiled from a study of Hebden birth registrations give an interesting insight into the spread of the family and its derivatives from 1837 onwards, though Hebden Clan families were already well established in most major cities (particularly London) much earlier.
Rapid urban and industrial growth continued through the 19th century, and from 1830 to 1860 the prime factor was the growth of railways. In October 1829, the directors of the Liverpool & Manchester Railway had sponsored locomotive trials at Rainhill near  Liverpool, and on the 15th September 1830 the Liverpooland Manchester railway opened for business. Its spectacular success paved the way for hundreds of railway schemes across the country, bringing about an era of cheaper and faster travel for the working classes. This new found mobility created opportunities to seek work in places well beyond the limitiations imposed by the speed and cost of horse transport.   The rapid growth in population and urban areas was not all good news, however. Poor sanitation led to serious outbreaks of Cholera in the early 1830’s killing over 22,000 people. When the link bwas established between the water supply and its contamination by infected sewage, the government took urgent measures to  ensure that growing town and cities were provided with  adequate drains and clean water supplies.
For 1920 US Census and 1930 US Census Click the links on the Data Pages
Canada: A Gateway to the USA
Many migrants from the U.K. headed for Canada. As a Dominion it was easier for British Subjects to enter Canada than the United States, and once there entry to the US was via a land border rather than disembarkation at New York or Boston. Canada also had many attractions in its own right, was more “Anglicised” or European than its neighbour, and its abundance of cheap farming land offerd rich opportunities for settlers prepared to work hard. For the Hebden Clan, the most popular choice was Ontario, together with Alberta, British Columbia, and Manitoba. Although subsequent genertaions tended to move elsewhere, there are still mmany Hebden families in Ontario.
Australia The earliest settlers in Australia had little choice about being there. Later emigrants from the U.K. headed for Victoria, entering via Melbourne or New South Wales entering via Sydney. As with the USA and Canada, life in Australia offered opportunity, freedom of choice and potential wealth which Alastair Cooke famously described as “The Abundant Life”. The image (right) Australia: Land of Opportunity”, is from the collection of Bjorn Larsson, http://www.timetableimages.com
A number of Shipping Lines operated services from the UK to Australia, notably Orient Line and Australian Commonwealth Steamers, sailing from London via the Suez Canal and Colombo to Freemantle, Adelaide, Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane. The journey from London to Melbourne took about seven weeks. For lists of Hebden Clan Immigrants travelling to Victoria on unassisted passages. click here or go to the Data Pages.
India Most immigration to india and the sub-continent took place as a result of military, Government and Commercial activity during the Empire period. Many of the people connected with the Indian Government under British rule stayed on, as did those with interests in the tea plantations, and import and export businesses. India did not have the same levels of immigration seen in the United States and Canada, or Australia in the 20th century. To find families and descendants in other countries go to the People and Places pages and check the list of counties, towns and cities. Click on the number ot the Family Tree Chart to explore the particular branch of the family shown.
Emmigration A Fresh Start in the USA In more recent times other factors encouraged family members to seek a fresh start in America. Low wages and poor working conditions and the threat of war prior to 1914 started a mass exodus from Europe including the U.K. In Canada and the United States, the period between 1865 and 1917 was one of rapid industrial growth and urbanisation. By this time, the descendants of earlier migrants (English, Scots, Germans and Scandinavians) were largely working as skilled labourers. With the increasing importance of mass production, the need for large numbers of unskilled labourers meant that many new immigrants were only able to find work as assembly line workers. Female immigrants worked in both skilled and unskilled employment, often in the textile industry or as domestic help. Several members of my own family moved from emplolyment in the Lancashire cotton mills and quickly found better prospects in the textile mills of Philadelphia. Because jobs were available in industrial areas, migrants from East and southern Europe tended to settle in urban and industrial areas. The overall effect was one of rapidly expanding cities and industrial growth. It surprised me to find how many single females migrated, often as groups of friends or neighbours, though this was more likely to be because of improved marriage possibilities across the Atlantic!
Brighton 1815 Hastings 1859 Burwash 1530 Maidstone 1861 London 1550 Ipswich 1600 Leicester 1907 Birmingham 1881 Southampton           1884 Burnley 1844 Liverpool 1847 Sunderland 1851 Sheffield 1866 Hull 1841 Doncaster 1859 Penzance 1891 Bristol 1895 Carlisle 1848 York 1350 Leeds 1540 Manchester        1790     Thetford     1856 Bedford 1909 Reading 1936 Hebden Lancaster     1842 Preston 1858 Scarborough 1680 Whitby 1750  Nottingham 1838 Cheltenham 1853 Thirsk   1840 Darlington 1844 Ottery St. Mary  1600 Scotland England Wales Orkney and Shetland  Shetland 1150 Eday (Orkney) 1850 King’s Lynn  1700 (Top Right)  New York and Boston were the main destinations for migrants to  the USA. “White Star Line” ships sailed from Liverpool to Queenstown Ireland,  where they picked up mail and Irish emigrants looking for a new life in the USA. (Bottom right)  Travel Poster for New York, published by the Municipal Art  Committee, City of New York. From the collection of David Levine http://travelbrochuregraphics.com/
The Migration of the Hebden Clan in England From 1837 to 1936
The map below, drawn from a study of Hebden birth registrations gives an interesting insight into the spread of the family and its derivatives from 1837 onwards (though Hebden families were already well established in most major cities much earlier). The dates shown are the earliest record of a Hebden Clan birth registed in that location.
1100 - 1500
1500 - 1700
1837 - 1913
1939 - 2000
A.D 950 - 1099
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