Hebden Family Genealogy
Family Trees and data for Hebden, Hebdon, Hebdin,
Hibden, Hepton, Ebden. Ebdon and Webden,
Collectively known as The Hebden Clan
Copyright 2018 Hebdens.com
1914 to 1938: The Great War and Its aftermath
In 1901 the number of family members totalled 2,493, comprising
Hebden (1,085), Hebdin (0), Hebdon (240), Hepden (57), Hepton
(311), Ebden (158), Ebdon (293), and Epton (349). The numbers
continued to grow during the century, despite two world wars and
other conflicts.
Though casualty lists give brief personal details of men killed
during The Great War, it is difficult to calculate whether Hebden
family losses were more or less than the national average. From
BMD data it is possible to count the number of males who were
eligible to join up in 1914, and using the casualty lists, to
determine the percentage loss of life. It is not possible to
determine how many men actually enlisted. (some would have
been in reserved occupations, some would have failed fitness
requirements, and others were conscientious objectors.
Sampling the HEBDEN family only, 335 men were within the age
limits (18 - 42) for enlistment in 1914, but the sample is skewed by
higher numbers of older men between the ages of 35 - 42, and a
more realistic estimate would be178.
18 Hebdens were killed in action, a casualty rate of 10.1% using
official figures. The Hebden casualty rate is virtually identical to the
national figure of 10.2%. Official figures for wounded are 23.4%,
and missing or taken prisoner; 2.2%. In the family, this would
equate to 42 wounded and 4 missing. This gives a total of 64
Hebden men killed injured or missing on War Service.
For details of men killed on active service in The Great War, see the
Data Pages.
Above: Harry Hebden of Burnley, Lancashire,
joined the 1/5th East Lancashire Regiment 42nd
Division. He was wounded by shrapnel at
Passchendaele and repatriated for treatment and
convalescence in Scarborough. He never
completely recovered and died in January 1929 at
the age of 44
Great War Medals
With the War over, most service men and women were only too glad to return to their home areas, but some met
spouses whilst on war service, and on demobilisation moved to new pastures. This was another period when many
Hebdens moved further away from their northern roots to seek better employment prospects or a better life. The
post-war optimism soon cooled and the economic depression in the thirties, and the resurgence of German
Nationalism soon brought the realisation that another confrontation was not far away.
1100 - 1500
1500 - 1700
1837 - 1913
1939 - 2000
A.D 950 - 1099
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