Hebden Family Genealogy
Family Trees and data for Hebden, Hebdon, Hebdin, Hibden, Hepton, Ebden. Ebdon and Webden, Collectively known as The Hebden Clan
1939 to 2000: World War 2 to the “The Second Elizabethan Age”
Unlike the Great War of 1914-1918, which for the most part was fought on a strip of land little more than 10 miles wide across France and Belgium, the Second World War was just that. Fighting spread across Europe, Asia and the Far East. Troops from all parts of the British Empire and later America were enlisted in the struggle, culminating in the surrender of Germany in May 1945 and of Japan in August 1945. The Comonwealth War Graves Commission (CWGC) lists 33 Clan Members as casualties of the conflict on its website. and names and details are listed on the Data Pages. Some of the graves and memorials to the fallen are shown on the Graves and Memorials page The new Labour Government which took office after the war set about laying the foundations of the National Health Service, proposed in a report by Sir William Beveridge a distinguished economist . The Health Service was introduced gradually achieving nationwide coverage in 1948.
(Right) The Skylon and the Dome of Discovery, one of the main exhibition halls which housed the British exhibits at the 1951 Festival of Britain. The Royal Festival Hall on the South Bank of the River Thames is the only surviving bulding on the original Festival site.
The demobilisation of the armed forces and the return to peacetime operations brought about a sudden increase in the population, Children born in the period after the Second World War became known as the “Baby Boomers” or “The Bulge”. In the period between 1946 and 1950 births of the Hebden Clan were up by 22% on the period from 1939 to 1945. The post-war years brought a period of austerity, with food rationing only coming to an end with sweets (1953) and meat (1954). In the meantime the national spirit was raised by the opening of the Festival Of Britain in 1951 and the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II in June 1953, which ushered in the “Second Elizabethan Age”. The “Swinging Sixties” followed, with fears of a nuclear war, “Ban the Bomb” and the Vietnam War in 1965. The sixties gave way to the seventies and “Hippies”, Flower Power, Free Love and the Drug Culture. The greater take-up of university education, job and career mobility and housing costs were (and still are) factors for the continuing dispersal of Hebden Clan members. Hebden Clan Trends From 1950 to 2005 all surnames in the clan have produced balanced numbers of males and females, so even in a society where formal marriages are declining the surname status should remain the same - in a partnership the mother wil provide the surname for her children, unless the father accepts paternity. The threat to continued survival of the family names is in the general decline at a time when rearing children is no longer seen as a priority in a more materialistic adult society.
1100 - 1500
1500 - 1700
1837 - 1913
1939 - 2000
A.D 950 - 1099
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