Hebden Family Genealogy
Family Trees and data for Hebden, Hebdon, Hebdin, Hibden, Hepton, Ebden. Ebdon and Webden, Collectively known as The Hebden Clan
Data Pages
United Kingdom
United States of America
South Africa
New Zealand Births, Marriages and Deaths Index A4 Landscape 4 pages. 124 names sorted by year from 1848 to 1910 for births, 1854 to 1929 for marriages and 1848 to 1959 for deaths
New Zealand
Finding the Census Information
1. Select the census year you want to search and click on the button for that year. 2. In the Index, look for the person’s name and make a note of the ROW NUMBER in the first column of the index listing. 3. Return to this page using your browser’s “BACK” arrow and click the button for the selected Census year column. Scroll down to the ROW NUMBER you found in the Index to locate the individual’s name or family.
Probate Index of Names        1858 to 1962 Probate Records by name of deceased: 1858 to 1962
Probate Names Index 1858 - 1962 Name of Deceased, date of death. Quicker than going through the actual listing below! Probate Records 1858 - 1962 - 1,085 Records of Wills , sorted by year of probate, Name of deceased, Executor and value of the Estate but please note that these are not copies of the actual wills.
Sorted alphabetically          by surname Sorted by year/month   from 1837 to 1915
Incoming Passenger   Lists to UK  1891 - 1958
Clan members leaving      the UK  1890 - 1960 INDEX   1841 INDEX   1851 INDEX   1861 INDEX   1871 INDEX   1881 INDEX   1891 INDEX   1901 INDEX   1911 1841 Census Data 1851 Census Data 1861 Census Data 1871 Census Data 1891 Census Data 1901 Census Data 1911 Census Data
Hebden Clan Index of Names in the Tree Charts Comprehensive list of Hebden Clan Names cross-referenced with the series of Clan Family Tree Charts. Around 23,000 births marriages and deaths from 1574 to 1969. Sorted by year and Quarter (March, June, September and December). Printable, A4
Hebden Clan Births and Baptisms 1539 to 1910 Full names of child, Location of birth or baptism (Town, City, and County, church where baptism took place, father’s name, mother’s name.
Hebden Clan Marriages 1539 to 1934 Name and Surname, some birth years, date of marriage (D/M/Yr) Location, spouse surname and forename
Names where the Clan surname is part of the the forename The names of individuals where “Hebden” or a variant is the whole or part of the forename, (e.g. Hebden Carlton Wright). 16 pages, portrait format, printable. The listing is presented in two formats, sorted alphabetically by surname, or sorted by birth year and month, both versions cover the period 1837 to 1915.
Incoming Passengers to the UK 1878 - 1960 253 Names with arrival dates in the UK between 1891 and 1958 Data includes surname, forename, DOB (some), Port of Departure, Date of sailing, Port of Arrival and Date of Arrival. There are some UK addresses. Some of these passengers may be tourists. Clan Members Leaving the UK 554 names with departure dates between 1891 and 1960. Data includes surname. forename, profession, year of birth (from 1912), sex, date and port of departure, destination country and port, and name of vessel. in later years, some of these passengers may be tourists.
UK Census Records 1841 to 1911
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Hebden Clan Index of      Names Sorted by Tree Hebden Clan Births            1539 to 1910 Hebden Clan Marriages           1539 to 1934 1881 Census Data
1900 U. S. Census 350 Clan members, arranged by State. Printable, No index. A4 Landscape 8 Pages
1930 U. S. Census 550 Clan members, arranged by State. Printable, No index. A4 Landscape 10 Pages
1920 U. S. Census 425 Clan members, arranged by State. Printable, No index. A4 Landscape 10 Pages
Map of the USA Showing States, State names and their abbreviations. Printable, pdf A4 Landscape document, Colour.
Immigrants to America via Ellis Island Sorted by Surname, forname or initials. Original location, year and age on arrival. pdf, 5 pages.
United States Social Security Death Index 387 Names sorted by Surname. updated to 2014. Not all names are listed, only those who were in receit of benefits and whose death was notified the Social Security Administration.
Hebden Clan soldiers in the America CIvil War 1861 - 65 18 Names 1 page, printable, A4, 1 Page.
1901 Canadian Census Over 130 Hebden Clan members arranged by Province, A4 Landscape, printable, 3 pages.
1911 Canadian Census Over 150 Hebden Clan members arranged by Province, A4 Landscape, printable, 3 Pages.
WW1 Soldiers in the Canadian Expeditionary Force (CEF) sorted by Surname/Forename. A4 printable, L’scape 2 pages.
Canadian War Casualties 1914 - 1945 7 Hebden Clan Names. pdf document, A4 printable, Landscape.
Home Children sent to Canada. 1869 - 1930 11 names with details. pdf document, printable. A4 Landscape
Archives of Canada, Miscellaneous Records Immigration (40) 1871 Federal Census - Ontario Index (7), Divorces (1), Western Land Grants (18), Lower Canada Land Petitions (1) A4 Portrait 2 Pages.
Australian States of New South Wales and Victoria BMD indexes A4 landscape, printable, 5 pages Queensland BMD indexes 1829 - 1929 Approximately 270 Hebden Clan Names, sorted by year, A4 Landscape 4 pages
British Casualties of the Great War 1914 - 1918 Listing of killed or missing, printable A4 lanscape, 1 page,
British casualties of the Second World War 1939 - 1945 Listing of killed or missing in World War 2. Printable, A4 Landscape, 1 page
Hebden Clan Index of Names All Hebden Clan names currently included in the One-Name Study. Over 29,000 names (249 pages) sorted alphabetically by surname, forename(s), BMD events, and years/dates between 1574 and 1969 cross-referenced with the series of Clan Family Tree Charts.
Hebden Clan Index of Names sort by Tree Chart Number Sorted by Tree Chart Number (1 to 60, see Family Tree Charts page.
British Nationals in India 1860 - 1943
These could be administrative staff on detachment from the U.K. Military personnel or emigrants. 53 Clan names sorted alphabetically by surname. 1 page A4 Portrait.
1940 U. S. Census 707 Clan members, arranged by family groups, No Index, pdf A3 Landscape, but can be copied and reformatted
The Timeline Hebden name related events from 900 A.D.
to modern times.
371 pages sorted by year/month/day. This is a large file (2 megabytes) and may a a while to load!
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