Hebden Family Genealogy
Family Trees and data for Hebden, Hebdon, Hebdin, Hibden, Hepton, Ebden. Ebdon and Webden, Collectively known as The Hebden Clan
Hebden Clan Index of Names (the links below are also published on the Data Pages) The Index of Names is sorted in three different ways, by surname and forename(s); by Event and Year and by Family Tree Chart Number. Click on the “Lozenge” you would like to view.
How to print a Family Tree Chart on an A4 printer (Example shown is Sheet 60) With the chart displayed on-screen, click on the PRINT icon this will bring up the print dialogue box. in the “Pages to Print” section, select “All”. In the “Page Sizing & Handling” section. select “Poster”. Leave “Tile Scale” at 100%, and change “overlap” to 0.05 make sure the “Cut marks” box is checked. Print the pages, (12 in this example) Trim the sheets on one edge of the sheet only, using the Cut Marks, then glue the pages together on the long edge using a Pritt Stick or similar, or Scotch tape. An easier way is to order the sheet from me! See (Ordering Copies of Tree Charts) at the bottom of the previous page.
Click in the “Lozenge” to the left, and the name index will load the complete listing of 29,500 names, listed alphabetically by surname and forename (s). Search the list for a parent, Grandparent or Great-Grandparent. The column on the extreme right hand side may list the website reference number to that individual, e.g. D27/42. If the entry is blank and no reference number is shown, the individual has not yet been researched or added to one of the family trees on the site.
The same names as the list above, but sorted by event (Birth, Marriage or Death) and year. If the event is a birth, the mother’s name is given, or if a marriage, the spouses name is listed. The remaining columns give the year, the Registration District and the website reference number.
The same data as above, but arranged by the Tree Chart Number. If you find any of your ancestors, and have a website reference number you can look up the Family Tree using the last two numbers of the website reference e.g D46/15
The Website Reference Number The website reference number is a unique alpha-numeric code to link a name on a Family Tree Chart with the same name in the associated Hebden Clan Index of Names. The Website Reference identifies the name and Tree Chart number, the generation within the chart, and the individuals within each generation. The format is shown in the fictional Family Tree Chart below.
Mary Hebden = George Brown Florence Hebden = Walter Smith = (2) Corrine Jones b.1923 Padiham b.1921 Accrington b.1925 Padiham b.1923 Preston b.1935 Chelsea m. 1947 Burnley d. 1984 Accrington m.1948 Padiham d.2001 Chelsea m.1953 Chelsea (B27/12) (B28/12) d.1952 Burnley (B30/12) d.2011 Islington (B29/12) (B31/12)
John Hebden = Margaret Green b.1825 Padiham, Lancs b.1826 Burnley Lancs m.1846 Padiham d.1908 Accrington (C17/12)
d.1900 Accrington (C16/12)
Peter Brown = Claire Reynolds
Family Tree Chart Number (12)
Unique number for each person in the generation
Generation Letter
A, B, C etc. vertically upwards for present and older generations
Z, Y, X etc. vertically downwards for generations younger than the “A” generation
(this diagram is a fictional example)
b.1948 Burnley b.1948 Burnley m.1967 Colne (A9/12)
James Brown b.1970 Burnley (Z1/12)
Second spouse
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