Hebden Family Genealogy
Family Trees and data for Hebden, Hebdon, Hebdin, Hibden, Hepton, Ebden. Ebdon and Webden, Collectively known as The Hebden Clan
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The Adventures of Joseph Hebden Details of Joseph Hebden and his family line can be found on Tree Chart 29: Bolton, Liverpool & Keighley at F3/29
Odds n’ Ends:
Joseph Hebden's Story, 1826
Map of the West Indies and Barbados, where Joseph Hebden arrived on the 20th January 1827, and left for Portsmouth on the 23rd February 1832, arriving in Portsmouth on the 21st March 1832
Joseph Hebden was born in Bolton, Lancashire, in 1807. and died in 1888 in West Derby, Liverpool. His early life is unknown. His mother was Mary Hebden, but nothing is known of his father. He appears to have been living with his Uncle Anthony. He ran away from “home” on the 30th April 1826. His descendants are alive today. To see Joseph’s family tree, click here. This is his written diary account in his own words. A note on the inside cover reads: “Ann born at 10 minutes past 2p.m. 13th April 1834. J.H.” A sketch of my travels since I left my Uncle Anthony - my cause for doing so I had better keep it for quietness, but I had very good reason to my thinking….. I resolved to face the world for a better place, but a worse I knew I could not meet with. On Sunday 30th April (1826) I went out for a walk, and returning about 9 o’clock and finding the door locked I came away and resolved to leave Whittle in Lancashire I went to Preston in the same County it was about 11 o’clock. I got into a stable for the purpose of taking rest. The kind farmer gave me a good supper and told me I should not fear, I would take no harm. I laid me down and covered me with three or four bundles of straw. Next morning, 1st May 1826 I left the farmhouse and through the day I look around me in Preston. About 1 o’clock I left Preston and got on the Lancaster Road for Lancaster. I laid me down about 11 o’clock in a barn between Preston and Lancaster. In fear of the farmer hearing me, I got out about 2 o’clock the next morning the 2nd of May and meeting with a friend who gave me a part of his breakfast I told him that I was looking for work. He took me to a publick house in Lancaster and gave me a part with him. I then went through Lancaster and between Lancaster and Skipton I slept all night in a haystack. On the 3rd of May in Leeds I went in a field a slept about 3 hours on my way to a smalll village. I slept at the side of some brick hills in Seacroft all night. I stopped there all Sunday the 4th June 1826 and on the 5th June went to York through Tadcaster and in a barn outside of York I slept on a stool. I suppose it was the milk stool. On the morning of the 6th I came to York again and thinking to enlist. I went to a soldier of the 2nd Queens. He told me I was too low. Then I came away not knowing what to be at. I tried to get work but could not get any. I then came out of York and on my way back to Leeds I thought I had better enlist. I got into Leeds about 5 o’clock and meeting with a traveller he told me he would find a man who would enlist me, so I went with him about 7 o’clock. I was enlisted to the 60th Rifles and not being tall enough I was the next day the 7th June handed over to Sergeant Clough for the 35th Regiment. I was then inspected by the Medical gentleman or Surgeon at Horse Bks. Iwas attested th same evening at 6pm for the 35th Regiment. I then being a soldier I got a billet at The Sign of the Pine Apple 6th June 1826 where I remained until the 6th July. Morning of the 6th July along with 41 other recruits to Wakefield. 7th July to Barnsley 8th July to Sheffield. We stopt there all Sunday. I sold my billet as the landlady did not like our Compy moony. My present comrade who was both a little simple and knew nothing of Sheffield who stopt both Saturday and Sunday night by some brick hills by the houses. On the morning of the 10th July to Chesterfield. 11th Mansfield 12th Nottingham 13th Loughborough 14th Lester 15th Lutterworth Remained 16th at Lutterworth 17th July to Southam 18th to Banbury 19th to Dunchurch 20th to Woodstock 21st to Habingdon 22nd market Elsly 23rd Stopped, it being Sunday 24th July 1826 Newbury 25th Whitchurch 26th Whinchester Went into Barracks and got a part of my regimental necessaries that same evening. Stopt in Whinchester until 2nd August 1826 at 2am was ordered on fatigue to load the baggage wagon and about 5 o’clock a.m. marched out of Whinchester for Bishop Walton and stopt all night. Early in the morning 3rd August 1826 Marched through Wickham and and halted ay Farnham for breakfast. After breakfast to Fort Mongton Barracks. 3rd August 1826. Stopt here until the 6th November and then relieved by the 28th Depot and whent to Forton Barracks. I stopt there under orders for the West indies on the 2nd Decr 1826. Embarkes aboard the Marshall Bennett for to Spit Head we remained at Spit Head until the 15th on account of the wind being so much against us when on the 15th it blew fair for us and we set sail. We saw Madeira about the 9th day or 26th December, where we was becalmed. For three days we sailed then, without metting anything particular unitl the 17th January 1827 and about midday hearing a gun fire thought we was going to be attacked with a pirot. Our captain orderd all the men to be armed ready in number about 180 men, 80 and 20 men belonging to the 35th and 80 men belonging to the 27th and 20 men belonging to the 60th Rifles, but unfortunately it turned out to be a Franch brig that was sinking, 2 or 3 of their hands had taken the jolly boat to sea and left the others inside her, which of course would soon have sunk in the deep. Our Captain aild hear and hearing what she was the first mate and about six other sailors went on board her, among those six were the carpenter was one. Our captain of course came back to his own vessel, the Marshall Bennett, and laid to all night. Her crew, all of them came on board and left the vessel to the first mate and six men. However next morning there was a little hope. They had got the water cleared off the deck. Next day, I believe there was only two foot of water between the decks. Our Captain, considering her then safe, told the firstmate to steer for St Vincent, he said he would steer for Barbadoes. We then parted and arrived in Barbadoes harbour or Carlish Bay in West Indies on Saturday 27th January 1827. We laid in Barbadoes Harbour unitl 23rd January. The 60th Rifles went on shore in Barbadoes, but no other, on the 23rd at 8pm. Sailed for St Lucia on the 24th. Early on the morning of the 25th passed close by Pigeon Island Anchored in St. Lucia Harbour at half past ten a.m. 25th January 1827, and disembarked in the afternoon at 3pm, the same day. I was then attached to the Light Infantry Company a week, and then put to No.3 (company) - had been broken up before the arrival of this detachment and of course the company was formed again. The whole of this 80 troops was confined to Barracks for two years. At first, during my first year in the West Indies I did not know of anythink worth notice occurred. It was a very sickly season and I suppose about 20 of the 80 men soon became no more in the world. Thank god I never had any sickness worth notice up to my first Christmas Day in St Lucia and on the 25th December 1827 I was cook for my second and last time in No.3 Compy previous to my promotion commencing on the 14th January 1828. I was apppinted to Lance Corporal in No.3 Company and this being the first step of promotion, I endeavoured to keep it. There was four more appointed at the same time, viz: Bootheroyd, J. Sweeden and W. Sweeden, Renshaw, of these the latter is the only one that got to Sergeant. This first B. has since been reduced from Corporal and 14th Janurary 1834 is doing pt duty. The Sergeant died in Barbados after the hurricane in Barbado also and J. S. and W. S. have been since dischd. by purchase by Captain Karr who has resined the service. After doing duty until the 12th April1928 at St. Lucia I was appointed Sergeant in No.2 Company I was orderd to Pigeon Island on the 12th to relieve Sgt. Naylor I was now attached to the Grenadiers to act as Sergt. I was relieving to pay them & which of course, I did. - also about 45 men of No.3 doing this with every satisfaction to Sergts Yates and Lovitt. I was made full Corporal on the 18th September 1828, and on the 2nd October 1828 sent to St. Lucia to do duty as before with my Company. In this year there was a gret scarsity of water. The military labourer was ordered to fetch water about three miles from the barracks for the troops, but nothing particular happened in my time in St. Lucia. I was appointed Sergeant in No,2 Company and to be under orders for Dominica. On the 4th July 1829, I embarked upon the Duke of York, a brigantine so called, along with six taylors and five more Sergts belonging to this Corps whio arrived in Dominica on the 5th July and disembarked the same day 1829. A few days after my arrival I was take very ill with bowel complaint or dysentery chronic; from which I did not recover on this island. On the 24th February in tents in Dominica for the 93rd to take over the barracks and on the 25th February 1830 embarked on board a transport ship called the William Harris and sailed at 7pm the 26th February 1830 For Barbadoes. 27th February In close to Martinique 28th February Near the Diadem Rock 1st March Close to Martinique also this day, bearing about against the current. 2nd Across to St. Lucia 3rd Back again to Diadem Rock 4th Between St Lucia and Martinique 5th Out of sight of these two Islands 6th March 1830 Arrived in Barbadoes Harbour at 4pm Saturday, and on Sunday 7th March 1830 disembarked at 7am and went in the Stone Barracks. The Hd Quarters embarked at St Lucia on the 12th and arrived in Barbadoes on the 13th March 1830. Our Sergts gave a ball to the Sergts of the 27th on the 2nd June 1830. The Sergts of the 27th gave a ball on the 23rd June 1830. I think both theses were the best compys that I ever met with in the Army. On 29th June a pass to Bridgetown. On the 1st July a letter from my sister dated 29th. On the 1st July a letter from my father dated Manchester Post on the 31st May 1830. 6th July on the King’s House Guard I saw the flagstaff hoisted up by the military labourers. It is about 30 feet high and just opposite the King’s House. It is attended by two of the Artillery. The letter of readiness read to us on parade on the evening of the 12th August for Portsmouth England. Received a letter from John Greenhalgh of the First Royal Regiment of Trinidad on the 18th August 1830. On the 1st October appointed hospital Sergent in place of Sgt Rice who took my company duty but had very little charge of the hospital, AST Murry had all the charge and everything himself. Of course I had very little to do with anything at that time. On the 9th of December I began courting with a servant of the Commanding Officer’s Lady, and asked leaf to marry on the 24th January 1831. I was married on the 5th May in my own room or quarters at the Hospital. Her maiden name was Jane Brown a native of Whitby in Yorkshire, England.
On the 11th of August a dreadful hurricane came on about 2am and the wind blew so strong as all the hospital fell in. Also every house that stood on the Island was either unroofed or totally blown to the ground. I suppose the soldiers’ barracks was about the strongest buildings on the island, except the King’s House and these were all blown down. The houses of the town principally consisted of wood - of course these were soon blown away, but I do not kbnow that it was so safe in a brick house, for it even blew the trees of the island up by the roots. For instance, about five large Tamrin trees were blown down in the Hospital yard. A good many of the men escaped under them. The Regiment on the 11th August 1831 pitched large tents and stoped in them until the 7th December 1831. The recovery transport arrived in Barbadoes on the 18th of December with the Hd Quarters of the 69th Regiment. On the 19th December 1831 sailed for St Vincent. On the 4th February 1832 recovery arrived in Barbadoes from the Leward with the Hd Quarters of the 93rd. The Head Quarters of the 35th Regiment at Barbadoes embarked on board the recovery transport on the 11th February 1832 and sailed for St Lucia on the same day at 4pm. On the 12th February at 10am in Harbour at St Lucia. Left St Lucia at 5pm for the Leward Islands 12th instant. 13th February past Dominica, Gardilope Antigua. 14th Monserat, Nevis St Kitts Stacia Sabo. Laid to all night. 15th February 1832, in St Kitts harbour - for the purpose of taking some stores. 18th Inst, on shore, St Kitts. Received from Saml. Whitely, Lance Bombadier of the Artillery, a carved cocanut. I was in company withPt. Padgett a tailor and Sergt Duckworth of the Artillery also Act. or master Sergt Gipp of the 86th Regt. I was on Prince Wales Battery or Basthill and Fort George’s Battery up 27 Steps East place of arms Battery West place of arms Battery Barrier Bast Hill and Lower Battery Monky Hill Battery. I was then shown into the Barracks of the Artillery. The main tanks 3 in number and Green tank. I was round the officers’ quarters and whent down to the hospital to recieve some medicine for the use of our ship and then on board. On the 20th sailed from St Kitts past Stacia Stabo and Low Islands. 21st past some low isands called the Virgin Isles. whe was very nearly on the sands near thes Islands. We arrived at Tattoola this same day. Laid in Tattoola one day and two nights and sailed early in the morning of the 23rd for Portsmouth. A very good breeze at the rate of 12 nots an hour. 24th 12 nots an hour 25th 12 nots an hour 26th Calm 27th Calm 28th Calm about 3 nots an hour 29th Calm 1st March 1832 calm unitl about 6pm a breeze about 8 not an hour at 8pm wind fair 12 nots an hour. 2nd Good breeze 3rd Good breeze 4th a good strong breeze 5th Strong breeze, very rough 6th very strong wind 7th very strong wind 8th Good breeze 12 nots 9th from 14 to 16 nots an hour 10th good wind. - this wind continued favourable and on the morning of the 19th March in sight of land at 8am, One of the King’s Pilots came on board to conduct us through The Needles. Whe Whent through The Needle at 10pm. At anchor in Mother Banks nnear the Isle of Wight at 11 o’clock pm. On the morning of the 20th March 1832 in Currentone. Our Currentone flag was pull down at 2 o’clock the same day. On the 21st towed into Portsmouth harbour by a steam packet. I went on shore to Portsmouth the same evening. On the morning of the 22nd the regiment disembarked to Forton Barracks. Remained in Gosport at Forton barracks until 12th May, when a sudden rout came and ordered the regiment to march in two hours time this Saturday and 11 o’clock. The Regiment was marched out of the barracks at one, same day to Bishupwalton. Sunday to Whinchester, 14th to Farnham and get breakfast then to Alton and stopt all night. 15th Alford, breakfast then to Bagshot and stopt all night. 15th Alford, breakfast, then to Bagshot - stopt here until Tuesday 22nd May1832 at 8 we marched to Windsor. Stopt in Windsor all night, 23rd to High Wicomb. 24th to Ailsbury 25th Winslow 26th Stoney Stratford stopt all Sunday 27th - 28th to Northhampton Barracks. Stopt here till the morning of the 10th July. I then whent to Weedon and took over the hospital at Weedon. 10th July 1832 The regiment got the rout for Manchester in Lancashire. On 19th July I then had charge of the sick with baggage by cannel we arrived in Manchester on the mornng of the 28th July on Saturday. Remained all Sunday. On Monday 29th to Bolton. I stopt all night at the Horse Shoe in Bank Street. on 31st July 1832 to Blackburn. Remained in Blackburn until the 2nd May1834. 3rd May 1834 I then went to Chorley. May sister and wife went to Bolton along with my father. I stopt in Chorley all the 4th and took the coach on the 5th for Preston and then to Ormskirk. The same day I saw PC McDonnell laying about two miles from the town after shooting himself. On the 6th May to Liverpool and embarked on board the steamer Earl of Roden for Dublin and sailed about 7 o’clock in the evening. About 12 at night a very strong breeze blew and took away the topmast. We arrived safe in Dublin about half past seven pm on the 7th of May and disembarked the same night to the Royal Barracks. The colours of the 35th regiment was presented by Lady Genl Vivian on the 21st July 1834 in Hibernian School Yard, in the Phoenix Park, Dublin. Remained in Dublin until the 25th October. On the 25 to Neece, stopt all day Sunday the 26th. On the 27th To Arthy On the 28th october to 1834 to Abeleyx Remained here at Abeliyx 29th. On the 30th to Templmore, the headquarters. Stopt all night at Rathdowney. I arrived at templmore on the 31st October 1934. Templmore is a very riotous place, though a very small village. I left Templmore on the morning of 6th April 1835 in the coach to Dublin. Arrived in Dublin the same day at 7pm, and went up to Sergt Pratt 3rd Dragoon Guards. and stopt all night. Whent up and down Dublin the next day 8th of April unitil 5pm when whe emabarked on the steamer for England. Arrived in Liverpool next morning at 5am the 9th of April 1835. Then got my luggage up to the railway and got in Bolton at 12 o’clock the same day. I stopt a few days at my father’s and then took a house and began to sawe with Fredk Garstang. I worked a few months with him, and then went to Ormrod’s factory on sawing for 7 or 8 weeks and the whent to Whitfield a working but nothing more particular until the 30th April 1836 when I made an agreement with William Sower for two years as a joiner. I only stopt better than 12 months with Mr Sower on account of him not having any work. I then whent to mr. Walsh’s shop and only stopt four weeks in consequence of wages. I then whent to Mr. Baron’s where I got £1. 2 shillings a week and work being slack was obliged to leave. I was then out of work for a few weeks and on the 4th October set of on a tramp with seven shillings in my pocket and arrived in Bolton the same day, being Wednesday, and stopt all night. On the 5th went to Bury to Limefield factory about 3 miles towards Manchester and then to Rotchdale same day and stopt the night. On the 6th to Halifax and got 3d of bread and cheese and the to Leeds 32 mile from Rotchdale. arrived in Leeds about 9pm, and being rather low in pocket walked all night to York. Arrived in York about 7am instant and rather tired having come from Rochdale to Halifax 16 miles, Halifax to Leeds 16 miles, and from Leeds to York 24 miles, to a farm 2 miles from the latter York being 58 miles without rest and on 3 pence of bread and cheese. I asked the farmer to allow me to sleep a few hours in his barn, which I did, I got up about 12 the same day 7th October 1837 and walked about six miles and slept and has 3d of bread and cheese and two glasses of ale and then whent to Malton 19 miles from York, and from Malton to Pickering 9 miles the same day and stopt all night at the Bluebell in Pickering and had two or three glasses of ale at night. On the morning of the 8th October set out for Whitby 21 miles from Pickering and got 3 pence of bread and Cheese at Psalters Gate and two glasses of ale and got to Whitby at 2pm. In Barber Gate and whent to the Angel Inn and had 1 glass of ale. I then went to find my mother in law, but she was not in. I whent with my wife’s sister Margaret, though a stranger, to where she was. I then enquired after work but could get none. I then sent a letter for some money to bring me back, and received it on Wednesday the 13th. I whent on the pier and the sands and in the churchyard up 94 steps, and I think all over Whitby the few days I was in it. It is a very small town, but very populous for the size of it. I came from Whitby on the 14th October same year by the railway to Pickering and by coach to York. I arrived in York about quarter past one and the walked to Leeds about 24 miles same day 24th October 1837. I then stopt all night at a very respectable lodging. 15th being Sunday I stopt all day in Leeds. I went to the Pine Apple where i was billeted in 1826 when I enlisted for a soldier and saw the same landlord as when I left, but he did not know me. Monday the 16th October left Leeds for Halifax and got in Halifax about 2 the same day the got 3d of beer, went forward to Rochdale and stopt all night. I spent the last ha’penny in Rochdale, coming home on the 17th, got to Bolton at 2pm, got a good dinner at my father’s, I stopt all night in Bolton and on the18th came to Blackburn. Here the narrative stops. Joseph seems to have returned to the life of a family man. His son John was born in 1838, and his descendants are still aound in the Stockport area
The Pioneers
HMS Fidelity
Sad End of Mary Hebden
Joseph Hebden’s Story
Hebden Village
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